Twice the Fun: Kulfi

Twice the Fun: Kulfi

(turns out my camera lens is scratched, so my problem photographing white-ish foods has gotten even worse)

It's not often I force a dish into double-duty; but I'd promised Vineela I'd join this month's JFI. I also wanted to get back into WCC.

JFI wanted a milk-product dish, WCC something 'foreign'.

Through a series of events and circumstances, I decided to make Kulfi

I don't often order dessert when I eat (unless there's cheesecake on the menu...then I play smack-down with my conscience), and I never eat it at home.

Ok...once in a while, when we're out at an Indian restaurant, I'll order the kulfi.

I love the creaminess, the contrast of sweet frozen goodness with the firm texture of the nuts. I just like the stuff!

Kulfi uses milk, and it is, in fact, not native to the US. That qualifies, I think.

For the WCC, I used a a book given to me by my father-in-law (he's been on a sort of clearinghouse this year, and we've 'inherited' 30-40 older cookbooks), A Taste of India: Adventures in Indian Cooking Especially Prepared for the American Kitchen, by Mary S. Atwood (Avon Books, a Division of the Hearst Corporation, copyright 1969).

For Vineela and JFI, the easy I could have let Alex make it (had I not started it at eleven at night!)...uses a 'tin' of condensed milk, a cup of heavy cream, a bit of vanilla, and chopped pistachios and almonds. Mix together, and freeze.

Unmolded this morning for 'the photo shoot', I asked Matt to have a taste. His response was to set the spoon back in the bowl, look at me, and ask "Can we have Indian food this week?".

Which, translated from husband-speak, means he really, really liked it. apologies for my lateness. I plead 'I've been sick for over a week'!

Blog Party#14 is here, and this month we're having a Kid's Party! Fun, cute, dainty, gross, wacky and whimsical...your appetizers and drinks are for the little ones. Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 21 September...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 23rd, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Kulfi + Indian + JFI + WCC + Cookbooks + Dairy + Events

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