That Would be a 'Miss'

That Would be a 'Miss'

As much as I love Indian food, I don't often make it at home. It can be a lot of work...although, generally, worth every minute.

Over the past couple of years, I've acquired Suvir Saran's books, Indian Home Cooking & American Masala.

Many, many, pages are tabbed, and I've already made several of the recipes. So far, Matt & I've liked the results.

So when I scheduled Cashew Chicken & Cumin-and-Cardamom-Scented Basmati, I expected good things.

And so there was a lot of cooking of spices, grinding of cashews, stirring, mixing, etc.

And when it was served up...we both found ourselves with no more than 'eh'.

The chicken (or Veat) was...kind of bland. Despite cinnamon and cloves and cumin and more, regardless of all those cashews, it was no better than bleah.

The rice, as well, disappointed. Spices roasted, rice, then water. Smelled lovely, but there were so many spices, it was almost physically impossible to eat. Seemed as though all we did was bite down on the cumin, coriander or cardamom.

We dumped the rice, and I gave my faux chicken to the dogs. Matt barely finished his.

I suppose every cookbook has to have a few duds. It's just a let-down when you've spent an hour or so over the stove!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vegetarian + Rice + Indian + Spices + Chicken + Cookbooks + Veat

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