Culinary Globetrotter

Culinary Globetrotter

I don't exactly know what to call Monday night's dinner. It was a real mix of things; things that sounded like they'd taste good together.

First, it was time for a new Moosewood cookbook; New Recipes from Moosewood Restaurant.

There was Spicy Cornell Bread; with dark brown sugar, honey and orange juice concentrate for it's sweetener, and some ground up cumin and cayenne.
It's...ok. Not as spicy as we'd expected, but I expect it'll get better when toasted. If nothing else, we can make some tasty croutons out of it.

Next, Salat Tangiers. Couscous, with just a pinch of saffron (ehem...saffron from Nepal, thank you). Steam to just-tender carrots, beans (your choice green or waxed), and green pepper. Add to couscous. Throw in some red onion and sliced, toasted, almonds (I skipped the currants, since neither of us care for them). Toss with a dressing of cinnamon, cayenne, oil, oj, spearmint and parsley. Really quite good. And the best part? Matt's eating his veggies.

Finish up with some chicken and Veat, cooked with ground cinnamon, coriander, cumin, cayenne, turmeric and cardamom. Again, quite nice; and once the couscous was cooked, it all came together quickly. I think this is the earliest we've eaten dinner in a couple of months!

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