I Don't Wanna Cook Chicken

I Don't Wanna Cook Chicken

I have not been in the mood to cook. Not Monday, not Tuesday.

Monday night was 'what's in the fridge/freezer?' for dinner.

I didn't think I could pull that off two nights in a row. So, around four o'clock, I began looking around my kitchen, hoping for something disguised as inspiration.

Garlic...not at it's best. Shallots...have seen better days.

Ok. Chicken breasts and Veat bites out of the freezer.

Smash close to thirty cloves of garlic, rough chop half a dozen or so shallots. Toss in a glass baking dish. Add chicken, cut into small chunks (or the already perfectly-sized Veat pieces). Top with what you think seems like the appropriate amount of smoked paprika, ground ginger, and cinnamon, and a couple cloves. A bit of salt, for good measure, as well as a few chopped almonds (a few because we were basically out). Pour in some kind of stock...I used a low-sodium vegetable...and bake, at 350, about half an hour, or until chicken is cooked through.

It was...not bad. I certainly need to play around with the spices a bit more (Matt surprised me by wishing his had more cinnamon), and make sure to stock up on almonds.

But considering how completely uninterested in food prep I'd been, not a bad save.

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