Dining with the Bloggers - May 18th

Dining with the Bloggers - May 18th

Back in Sicily, Chuck and I hatched this little plot... Chuck is always inquiring about my little kitchen and we were talking about the upcoming Dining with the Bloggers. The theme would be beverages and I felt that the hardest part would be finding the recipe. The topic came up for discussion several times and both Bob and Chuck would suggest things that I could make for the occasion and I would always remind them that it had to be a recipe posted on another food blog. Then when we were in Taormina, we had this wonderful, lemony concoction at the San Domenico Palace, and I decided to break all the rules.

Originally, I was thinking that I would ignore the most basic "rule" of Dining with the Bloggers and tell you about a beverage that (as far as I knew) had not been posted on any blog, but then my co-conspirator Chuck decided he would post about this beverage on his blog. My honor was saved! Well, almost. Actually, I'm still cheating some - I've never made this myself and I'm going to post photographs.

We were having lunch at the restaurant by the pool, when we saw this beverage being prepared for someone else. It is prepared tableside, which I've decided is a fantastic marketing tool. The moment they run the zester over that lemon, the scent captures the attention of each neighboring table. You sit, mesmerized, watching as the drink is prepared. Before you know it, you're ordering it for yourself. I may not remember its name, but I do remember its ingredients: lemon sherbet, prosecco, vodka, and lemon zest. Chuck has a great description of the preparation and here are a few photos...

As Bob said, "simple and elegant". With warm weather coming, I can't wait to try making this myself. Hope you'll enjoy it too!

I'm sure Zarah has found a wonderful beverage to try that really was posted on a food blog. Stop by and check it out!

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