A Weekend in Vermont

A Weekend in Vermont

A weekend in Vermont with Bob and Chuck - what could be better? I've been waiting for this ever since Sicily! Mondays with Maida will be posted a little later on Monday than usual. Have a great weekend everyone!

- Catching Up And Taking Off...
Work has been kind of crazy recently... so I am very, VERY happy to be leaving on vacation starting Friday! What's even better is that I'm leaving on vacation with Bob and Chuck. We are visiting Newport, Rhode Island, and then continuing on to...

- Mondays Without Maida
I'm headed out of town tomorrow morning... I'm making a brief stop in New York (and will get to meet Nupur!!) and from there it's on to Vermont with Bob and Chuck (yay!). I'll be back here on the 19th with the next installment of Mondays...

- Renovations
No, not the blog. (sigh...some day) Matt & I, with the help of some friends, are re-doing our bedroom this weekend. Ripping out the (yucky) carpet, laying in new flooring, painting, doing some minor masonry work, and eventually, adding window treatments...

- Cute Kid Filler
Yeah, I know it's not Sunday. Not yet, anyway (unless, of course, you're reading this Sunday; in that case, forget everything I just said). We're out of town for the weekend, and I'm intending to have so good a time, blogging will be...

- Food Blogs In Usa Weekend
USA Weekend will run a story about food blogs this weekend. They list their favorites, which includes the usual suspects, plus me, but I'm delighted to see Molly and the Too Many Chefs gang in the list. Welcome to readers from USA Weekend; thanks...

