Food Blogs in USA Weekend

Food Blogs in USA Weekend

USA Weekend will run a story about food blogs this weekend. They list their favorites, which includes the usual suspects, plus me, but I'm delighted to see Molly and the Too Many Chefs gang in the list. Welcome to readers from USA Weekend; thanks for stopping by.

It's been a little while since we've had one of our famous dinner parties. If you listen hard, you can hear my heavy sigh. Plus, we owe a few people. For the curious, here are some links to past favorites: my description of prepping for a dinner party, the 10-course meal we did in 2003, and Parts one, two,and three of our cat-sitter dinner. I guess I never wrote up parts four and five.

And here's a sneak peek at one course I want to serve at a dinner in the near future: Pork Fat Three Ways.

- Blog Resources
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- A Weekend In Vermont
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- Long Weekend In Nyc
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- Renovations
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- Meal Planning
When I was a child, my family planned out our meals for the coming week. I was involved in this to varying degrees: For a stretch of my youth, each of us made breakfast for the other family members on a rotating schedule; at other times, I just had to...

