Rainy Days in Vermont

Rainy Days in Vermont

I spent a few days in June with Bob and Chuck in Vermont. The rain seemed unending, with the sun making only two very brief appearances toward the end of our stay. Bob and Chuck refused to let the soggy weather slow them down, and carried on with their gardening decked out in yellow rain gear. I was not nearly so determined and opted instead to curl up inside with a book. When the rains finally slowed to a trickle I did eventually offer a little assistance outside.

One nice thing about those gloomy skies - they provided perfect lighting for some close-ups of Bob and Chuck's beautiful garden.



Lupine (and Thyme?)

Bleeding Heart


Can't remember the name of this one - but Chuck was very proud of it

This little baby woodpecker lost his momma. He was very patient with my picture-taking for quite a while and then let out a frantic little cry. I hope she heard him!

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