Dining with the Bloggers - March 30th REVISITED

Dining with the Bloggers - March 30th REVISITED

So I promised I'd report back on the thing I was supposed to do for this weeks Dining with the Bloggers - better late than never, right? :-)

The thing was and Onion Tart. But oh no, not just any old onion tart - it was Molly of Orangette's Alsatian Onion Tart. A dream of a tart, no less. I'm telling you - while I've had my share of problems with tarts, this one was a breeze, and tasted magnificent - not too much butter, exactly enough crunch and flakiness. (I think my problem have been adding too little water - I guess I was just always anxious I'd add to much and end up with a batter instead of dough!) Next time I might bake the tart case blind for a couple of minutes before adding the onions, just because that's what I always do and I think it might make it even more perfect. And oh, the onions - just thinly sliced, then sauteed in a couple of lugs of oil - patience, patience - and AH! Caramelized onions.

It seems way too simple: I mean: butter - flour - sugar - salt - and then onions - cream - eggs - salt - pepper - nutmeg. That's like 9 (NINE!) ingredients. And the result is nothing short of magnificent. Dreamlike. Yummy. I can only say one thing: Make it!

- Dining With The Bloggers - March 30th
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- Dining With The Bloggers - September 21st.
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