Spinach and Anchovy Tart from The Art of the Tart

Spinach and Anchovy Tart from The Art of the Tart

I had to go ahead and try one of the recipes in my newly acquired books - why else buy them?? This one I had my eye on already when ordering the book - it was mentioned in one of the reviews at Amazon and I couldn't stop thinking about what it might be like.

I am a big fan of anchovies - that is, I do NOT like eating them on their own, but I really enjoy them in a home made Caesar salad dressing and the likes. For a while I've been trying to convince myself that there's no reason I don't like tarts. Hence, the purchase of The Art of The Tart by Tamasin Day-Lewis. The book is small, but BURSTING with recipes - both savory and sweet - and I really think it's gonna get me places in the tart-enjoying department. This had exactly that salty-savory taste that I love in the anchovies, but without the fishy-fishy bad part. It was even nice the next day!

And here you go:
Spinach and Anchovy Tart
Shortcrust pastry:
120 g. white flour
60 g. cold, unsalted butter
1-2 tablespoon best olive oil

For the tart:
30 g. unsalted butter
1 tbsp. olive oil
325 g. organic baby spinach
black pepper
200 ml. double cream
1 egg and 2 egg yolks
12 anchovy fillets.

Make shortcrust pastry by blitzing together the flour and butter in a food processor, adding olive oil to make the dough come together. Chill, then roll out and line a 22 cm. tart tin.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees celsius. Bake the pastry blind for 15 minutes, then remove the beans, prick the base with a fork, and return to the oven for a further 5 minutes.

While the pastry is in the oven, heat the butter and olive oil in a heavy-bottomed enamel sauce-pan, add the spinach and pepper, and stir briefly until the spinach has wilted but not lost it's shape, about a couple of minutes.

Whisk the cream, egg and yolks together, then pour in any liquid from the spinach pan. Tip the spinach and anchovies into a food processor and process a briefly as you dare, to keep their texture and so as to not reduce them to a slushy purée. Throw them into the bowl with the cream and eggs and stir with a fork, then pour the whole lot into the pastry case and cook for about 25 minutes.

Leave to cool for 10 minutes, then serve with something plain, like a cherry tomato salad and good, white country bread and butter.

- from The Art of The Tart by Tamasin Day-Lewis, p. 45.

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