What to do with Spinach

What to do with Spinach

The curse of Costco. Anyone who has shopped there knows what I am talking about. Simply put, you can't help but buy WAY too much. I know, I know, you save money purchasing larger quantities, that's the whole point of shopping at Costco. But when there are only two people in your household, you have to question the logic in buying 2.5 pounds of spinach in one go.

Being able to purchase fresh spinach that's pre-washed is the real draw. In addition to the fact that it's FRESH SPINACH. So much better than frozen and truth be told I even like frozen spinach. Spinach salad is very good, the spinach acts as a neutral "base" that lends itself to all sorts of fruits, cheeses and other toppings (did someone say bacon?) I can barely think of a fruit that doesn't compliment spinach in a salad; apples, oranges, figs, rapberries, strawberries, cranberries, o.k., maybe bananas don't work. Search for spinach salad recipes sometime and you'll see what I mean about it being so versatile. Epicurious has 96 recipes for spinach salad alone. But with 2.5 pounds you've got to do more than eat it raw.

Great things to do with spinach: make soup of out it, cook it with pasta, puree it, serve it as a side dish with fish, bake it in a casserole, cream it, make dip out of it, fill a tart with it, stuff a chicken with it, well, you get the idea. Though the bag looks huge, spinach cooks down to nothing once it hits hot water. I may just need to buy another sack at this rate...

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