Dining with the Bloggers - September 21st.

Dining with the Bloggers - September 21st.

Do you know how to make broccoli look good?

Molly from Spice Tart does! Broccoli's not the only vegetable she makes look good - in fact, she's not even the only one in her family that can make vegetables look good. Her sister has done these wonderful paintings that are up at Molly's site, you have to have a look at those - the first one I saw (the onion) I actually thought was a macro'ed out close-up of an actual onion. Nah, it's paint!

When we started doing Dining with the Bloggers last season, I went around a lot of the blogs, perusing their indexes and archives, to see if there was anything I'd like to try. Nowadays, Ialso get inspiration from my BlogLine Feed, and I'm telling you, the list is growing like a baby on steroids! This was also how I spotted Molly's recipe for making the easiest, yet tastiest broccoli. I eat way too little vegetables - I pride myself on being oh so healthy (to make up for all those cakes, you know?) but when push comes to shove, there's no doubt I do not eat the 5 portions of vegetables a day I'm supposed to.

Except maybe for yesterday, when I got up from the keyboard and cooked that broccoli. I ate an entire bunch! Munch, munch, munch - and then there was no left! I just ate it as it was - I'm very big on the: just make the side dish my main course - but a piece of crusty bread on the side would have been lovely. Go easy on the salt - the anchovies are quite salty themselves. Now go. Make it. Say hi to Molly, and don't forget to wish her well - she's getting married!

(Sorry for the lack of picture this time - Martin had kidnapped the camera, and as I said, I ate it all so there wasn't even any leftovers to take a picture of!)

Now what has Cathy been up to this week??

- Penne With Rapini & Italian Sausage Recipe
I know there are other things to do with rapini but I am stuck in a happy rut. I always eat it exactly the same way. Rapini also called broccoli rabe looks like a leafy miniature broccoli and has a slight bitterness to it that marries well with the richness...

- Cream Of Broccoli And Pesto Soup Recipe
I often skip online blogging events these days. But the idea of inviting bloggers to dinner is a very nice one indeed. Too bad my apartment is so small and my table virtually impossible to get more than three chairs around. Truth be told, other than...

- Seattle Food Bloggers
Do you know me? If you read my blog with any frequency I bet you feel like you do. I read many blogs from all over the world and consequently feel like I know many bloggers, though I may never have met them in person. It's quite an amazing phenomenon....

- Dining With The Bloggers - June 1st
This week's Dining with the Bloggers theme is "Healthy/Lowfat/Light". Just in time too...I just got back from two weeks in Sicily, remember? It's easy to find all sorts of tempting recipes on food blogs, but it starts to get a little more difficult...

- Dining With The Bloggers - March 30th Revisited
So I promised I'd report back on the thing I was supposed to do for this weeks Dining with the Bloggers - better late than never, right? :-) The thing was and Onion Tart. But oh no, not just any old onion tart - it was Molly of Orangette's Alsatian...

