Hay Hay, it's Donna Hay: Cheese Tart, 5 Ways

Hay Hay, it's Donna Hay: Cheese Tart, 5 Ways

From the first time I heard about HHDH, I was pretty excited about it. I've loved her magazine from that very first issue, and I've started adding her cookbooks to my already over-burdened shelves. I use them, too! Her simple is best, less is more, approach to cooking appeals to me. And her photos? Food porn, if I ever saw such a thing!

This time, Tami's challenged us to make a savory tart, a la Donna Hay. I knew exactly what to do.

My favorite cheese tart, baked in mini tart pans (you're not surprised, are you? I don't host a monthly cocktail party for nothing!), five ways.


Sun-dried tomatoes




The crust is a very simple recipe; just flour and butter, salt and ice water. But it's absolutely perfect.

The tart base consists of three cheeses: a sharp Cheddar, Gruyere, and smoked Swiss, shredded.

Once the cheese is in the (unbaked) shell, pour in a mix of eggs, half-and-half, milk, salt and pepper. Bake.

For this event, I divided the dough among six mini tart pans (birthday presents...yay!), leaving two just cheese.

To a third, I added chopped sun-dried tomatoes, both in the cheese, and on top.

The fourth, blanched asparagus, thinly sliced, and topped with the tips.

A fifth was flavored with fresh, chopped, thyme from the garden.

And to the last tart, for Matt, diced prosciutto.

Baked till set, and the crusts lightly golden, the tarts were fantastic. Smoky from the Swiss, a firm but not hard texture.

Perfect little savory tarts!

Be sure to visit Running with Tweezers to see all the other incredible entries!

Blog Party#14 entries are due in less than a week! This month we're having a Kid's Party! Fun, cute, dainty, gross, wacky and whimsical...your appetizers and drinks are for the little ones. Post your dishes no later than next Thursday, 21 September...Early is always good...And get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 23rd, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Hay Hay it's Donna Hay + Baking + Tarts + Cheese + Donna Hay + Prosciutto + Events

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