Dealing with My Issues

Dealing with My Issues

Picture-posting issues, that is!

The past couple of days, I've been unable to view the photos I've posted. Several posts are rather dependent on the photos, so until 'things' are fixed, I'll just twiddle my thumbs...

- Food Bloggers Picnic
Instead of the usual "Posts of the Week", I hope you'll enjoy a taste of today's picnic. For more posts: Bay Area Bites 101 Cookbooks Becks & Posh Bunrabs I'm Mad and I Eat Life's A Picnic Dessert First Jennifer Jeffrey Eggbeater keep...

- No Need To Panic
I'm chin-deep in matching BBM partners, as I type this. Looks to be 84 total, so it's still early days. Everyone will hear from me before the day ends (or at least, before the day here in the US ends), so a little patience please!! You'll...

- Valentine's Ooops!
So, a few months back, I decided I would finally join the popular postcards event that had been going on. I shipped out my Valentine, and waited for the letter carrier to bring one to me. My card arrived early, a few days before Valentine's day....

- Watch This Space
Make sure you EoMEoTE entries are sent in...I'll be posting mine a bit later tonight, as we're still having camera issues....

- No, Please; Make My Life Easier
I saw this in one of my cooking magazines earlier this month... new digital camera from Olympus features a 'cuisine' setting! Probably my biggest obstacle in food blogging is taking pictures. Not because I'm inept around cameras (I was a...

