Watch This Space

Watch This Space

Make sure you EoMEoTE entries are sent in...I'll be posting mine a bit later tonight, as we're still having camera issues.

- No Need To Panic
I'm chin-deep in matching BBM partners, as I type this. Looks to be 84 total, so it's still early days. Everyone will hear from me before the day ends (or at least, before the day here in the US ends), so a little patience please!! You'll...

- Out With The Old, In With The
new camera! These are the last photos taken with the old camera...thank goodness. What a difference a good camera makes. My birthday dinner: I didn't get the new camera until after dinner!! vegetarian Italian wedding soup yuba-wrapped Veat breast...

- Skip To The Loo, My Darling
Because I'm on a mission to clear out the freezer, I needed to make a pie. Why? There was a store-bought pie crust taking up too much space. Looking through my Easy to Bake, Easy to Make cards, I found a recipe for Classic Shoofly Pie. Recipe lived...

- No, Please; Make My Life Easier
I saw this in one of my cooking magazines earlier this month... new digital camera from Olympus features a 'cuisine' setting! Probably my biggest obstacle in food blogging is taking pictures. Not because I'm inept around cameras (I was a...

- Eomeote Time, Again
Be sure to get your Egg and Toast entries together; the End of Month Egg on Toast Extravaganza is being hosted by the event's co-founder, Jeanne, of Cook Sister! this month. I'll be working on my mine tonight and tomorrow, and hope to have a post...

