Valentine's Ooops!

Valentine's Ooops!

So, a few months back, I decided I would finally join the popular postcards event that had been going on. I shipped out my Valentine, and waited for the letter carrier to bring one to me.

My card arrived early, a few days before Valentine's day. I was excited. I showed it to Matt when he got home from work, and placed it on a table, to photograph for blogging.

More stuff got put on that table.

Then, the stuff on that table, including the postcard, was moved to another area. I can't remember where it went.

And that's when I knew I had a problem.

See, we have absolutely no storage in this house. One and a half closets, and the only shelving found here is what we've installed ourselves.

Things, mostly paper-related things, tend to pile up.

So, the past month, I've been trying to figure out where that postcard could have gotten to.

It took some time, and some digging, but I finally located it.

Then, my second obstacle appeared.

Blogger issues.

I'm still have a heck of a time getting photos posted, so while I have had this photo around, I have not been able to get it uploaded to Blogger. Which is actually my explanation for not posting nearly so often as you may be used to.

Finally, after many trials and errors (still not posting consistently), here it is.

A big, and over-due, thanks to Sue of sue-knits, for the chill-fighting roses. So sorry it's taken this long!

And keeping with the theme, here's a shot of the gorgeous roses Matt gave me for Valentine's. Hey, one late photo deserves another.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Valentine's Day + Postcards + Roses + Events

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