Daring Bakers: Gingered Bostoni Cream Pie

Daring Bakers: Gingered Bostoni Cream Pie

This is my second Daring Bakers challenge, and despite not caring at all for custard/pastry cream, I think they came out pretty well.

This month, we were to make Bostoni Cream Pies...a sort of twist on the Boston Cream Pie.

I was allowed to mess around with the flavors a bit, so I did. For the cake, instead of using orange juice & zest, I opted for ginger juice and crystalized ginger, finely minced. The 'Ginger People' make a pure, bottled ginger juice which is wonderfully potent!

The custard was...well, a pastry cream. I am not exactly fond of them, and Matt? Pastry cream makes him gag. I'm not kidding. Normally, I can get him to taste just about anything, even if it's something he wouldn't normally eat. But there was no way he'd touch this!

Fortunately, my in-law's are extremely fond of Boston cream pie, so after fighting with my camera and lighting, and getting one of the Bostoni's to pose for me (and getting plenty of use out of that spider goblet!), I packed up the rest, in pieces, and Matt drove everything over to his parent's house.

That was last night, and they're only having them for dessert this evening. So, I have to wait for the verdict till then.

But...the cake smelled divine, the 'custard' behaved exactly as I expected, and the chocolate glaze was, after all, just chocolate and butter.

It all came together much faster than I expected, especially as I waited until SUNDAY to make the darn things! Still, I'm always happy to bake, even if it's something I wouldn't normally pick. So, another challenge...met!

Please check out all the other, talented DB'ers, and see how they did.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Boston Cream Pie + Daring Bakers + Bostoni + Custard + Ginger + Chocolate + Cake

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