Comfort Food

Comfort Food

I've had a craving...for comfort foods.

So, Matt picked up a Now & Zen Complete Unturkey Feast on his way home from work. Add to this a big pot of mashed potatoes, more gravy (because they don't provide enough), and my own stuffing (their's is ok, but mine is better!), and I am sated...

(Unturkey, with yuba 'skin' and stuffing, about to enter the oven)

- Blog Party#19: Take Comfort
Blog Party#19: Comfort Food As much I as enjoy an elaborate and architectural wonder on my plate now and then, or I may 'ooh' and 'aah' over the fancy presentation and expensive ingredients of a dish, there are times when all I want is...

- To Each, Her Own...way Of Celebrating Mother's Day
Matt asked what I wanted for Mother's day. I think my reply was something along the lines of "ten hours of sleep". He couldn't buy or make that for me, but he and Alex did prepare a nice breakfast of smoked mozzarella-topped scrambled eggs, toast,...

- It Is A Sham, But It's A Sham With Yams. It's A Yam Sham.
Anya: I love a ritual sacrifice. Buffy: Not really a one of those. Anya: To commemorate a past event you kill and eat an animal. A ritual sacrifice... with pie. (quotes from the wonderful Buffy the Vampire episode, "Pangs") So, anyone else ready for Thanksgiving?...

- A Hug You Can Eat
Moira of Who Wants Seconds? is having a contest; the mission? Write about your favorite comfort food. I love Moira's blog (I recently made bagels using her recipe...yum), and knew I wanted in on this. I've spent the past few weeks thinking: what...

- Too. Much. Food.
Ow. I hurt. And I mean, hurt. Two days (and nights!) of cooking. Two nights of not sleeping (well, not nearly enough). But, I'm happy to report that dinner was a success...Matt's parents and grandmom liked everything (although we made so much,...

