Cardoons on SFist

Cardoons on SFist

Cardoons"What on earth are those things?" asked the fishmonger as I walked into his store with cardoons poking out of my shoulder bag. Find out by reading my latest post at SFist.

- Jujubes On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. What on earth is a jujube? Find out in my latest SFist piece....

- Pluots And Plumcots And Apriums, Oh My!
You can't miss the seemingly endless array of plum-apricot hybrids on display at farmer's markets. What are they? How did they get there? Find out by reading my latest post for SFist. ...

- That Time Of The Week
My latest piece for SFist is up. It's about yau choy, which I had never cooked with before. And thanks go to Winnie for offering expert advice on the vegetable. Here's a link to the post. A writeup on a dinner party coming soon. I haven't...

- Sfist Tuesday
My latest SFist piece is available here. More posts coming to this site soon (including more about that symposium); I'm just a bit caught up with work (or, not caught up, depending on how you look at it). ...

- Roving Sfistian
Neat. How this happened is somewhat convoluted, but I will now be writing a weekly "what's up at the farmer's markets" post for SFist, the ultimate guide to all things Bay Area. The entries will focus on seasonal ingredients and what to do with...

