SFist Tuesday

SFist Tuesday

Asparagus at SFist My latest SFist piece is available here. More posts coming to this site soon (including more about that symposium); I'm just a bit caught up with work (or, not caught up, depending on how you look at it).

- Wineparty On Sfist
"It's Tuesday on SFist, and you know what that means, right? Yes you, in the back, waving your arms frantically?" "You're off a week. Your In the Kitchen column is every other week now." "Oh. Good point. Uh... No, wait! I did write for SFist...

- Sfist: An Ace Of Pears
Photo by melissa nicole. Hey, look at that! This Tuesday thing feels like it happens every week. Check out my pear post on SFist. Technorati tags: food & drink | pears | sfist...

- Green Garlic On Sfist
Green garlic. My latest piece for SFist. Click here to read it....

- Sfist 03/01/05
I'm at a wine writers' conference at the moment, but I wanted to make a quick post to let you all know that my latest SFist piece is up. Here's the link....

- Roving Sfistian
Neat. How this happened is somewhat convoluted, but I will now be writing a weekly "what's up at the farmer's markets" post for SFist, the ultimate guide to all things Bay Area. The entries will focus on seasonal ingredients and what to do with...

