Butterscotch Meringue Bars

Butterscotch Meringue Bars

Recipe from the wonderful book, The Ultimate Cookie Book; a Christmas gift from my FIL. Amazing book...huge, packed with must-try recipes---and each one comes with a picture! My kind of book.

I asked Matt to pick out something, and he selected the Butterscotch Meringue Bars.

Pretty easy to make...butter and brown sugar cooked till melted and bubbly. When cooled, stir in an egg and vanilla. Over this, sift flour, salt and nutmeg. Mix in, and pour into a wax paper-lined 8-inch square pan.
Beat egg whites to soft peaks; then beat in light corn syrup and sugar till stiff. Stir in chopped walnuts.
Spread over butterscotch layer, and bake about half an hour.

They were harder to remove from the paper than I'd expected, but still very nice cookies. Matt said they had a slightly less-butterscotch taste than he was expecting, but he still managed to eat a few!

Blog Party#4: The Holiday Edition is Saturday...entries are already coming in...don't forget to send in your party post! Get those entries to me no later than tomorrow at noon (that would be noon Eastern, US, time); I'll get the round-up posted later that night.

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Food and Drink, Cookies

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