117 down, 96 to go…

117 down, 96 to go…

I had a cookie mini-marathon today. I mixed up four batches of cookies and baked off two. I’ll bake the others tomorrow night. They’re for a meeting at work on Wednesday.

I used three different recipes – all old favorites. The chocolate pecan pie bars pictured above are from a 1989 magazine ad for Baker’s chocolate and Karo syrup. The sugar cookies that are also in the picture and the two batches of Cobblestone cookies that I haven’t baked yet are both from my favorite cookie cookbook, Maida Heatter’s Book of Great Cookies. I have made many of the recipes in this book and I’ve never been disappointed in any of them.

Maida Heatter’s recipes are detailed, but in a way that is helpful rather than complicated. For instance, a trick I learned from one of her recipes I use when making the chocolate pecan pie bars. If you line the pan with foil, you can lift the entire sheet of cookies out of the pan before cutting them into bars. This makes cutting easier and neater.

The Cobblestone cookies are chewy spice cookies that are loaded with raisins and walnuts. They are a slice and bake cookie with a twist: you spread the dough in a sheet pan and then cut them into bars. You end up with a thick rectangular cookie that is absolutely wonderful.

If you like making cookies, you need this book!

- Top Cookie
Nine of my personal top ten from Maida Heatter's Book of Great Cookies Oh what a struggle! Limiting the list to ten was actually the easy part, ranking them was near impossible. I have a feeling if I did this again in a day or so, the order would...

- Mondays With Maida - Connecticut Date Slices
Page 250 in the old book / page 270 in the new book Though not the most photogenic of cookies, these date slices more than make up for their looks with a warm, spicy flavor that is complemented by sweet dates and raisins. Surprisingly, there are no nuts...

- Mondays With Maida - Cobblestones
Page 132 in the old book / page 168 in the new book These are not cookies that stand up and say, "look at me!", yet they are everything I look for in a cookie - delicious, easy-to-make, chewy and satisfying. Though not unusual in any way, they are arguably...

- My Favorite Drop Cookies
Chocolate Banana Cookies didn't make my list of favorites, but this is my favorite cookie photo so far 39 different cookies. It's quite possible that I've tried more cookie recipes in the past 10 months than in all the time prior to that....

- Mondays With Maida
I’ve written before about what a great book Maida Heatter’s Book of Great Cookies is – last week when I made her Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ripples and back in August when I made her Plain Old-Fashioned Sugar Cookies and Cobblestones. Please...

