Blogging here, blogging there...

Blogging here, blogging there...

Blogging pretty much everywhere! Most of the time my blogging happens locally here and over at KQED but this month I've been blogging all over the place. First I blogged at the University of Nebraska Press about about Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book. And today you'll find my first post over at the IACP Global News Blog. It's an IACP conference First Timers Report. I do hope you enjoy it.


- Meet The Bloggers
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's the people I meet (online and in person) that make food blogging so worthwhile. It's been a long time since I've shared links to blogs that I love. Here are a few to bookmark (from upper...

- A Break
I am breaking with tradition here. I am staying at a resort and it is just too hard to get access to the internet, so I am blogging ahead of time. Just pretend it is Monday, ok? I will be back on schedule next week. I was recently interviewed by a journalist...

- Hasta La Vista
Here I go! It's vacation time again. This trip takes me to Mexico. I'll be in the Yucatan for three glorious weeks, a place known for warm weather, beautiful beaches, archeological ruins, Maya culture, seafood and relaxation. It may also be...

- Kitchen Conference
I have a new blog and it's called kitchen conference. It is about food blogging, but it is not a food blog. I'm hoping it will become a place where all of us who have an interest in food blogs - both bloggers and those not yet blogging - can...

- Reminder
You have exactly one more week to sign up for Blogging by Mail! Over 70 signed up so far, from many, many, countries! If you'd like to join in, there's still time...just not much. You can find all the information here, or you can write to me...

