kitchen conference

kitchen conference

I have a new blog and it's called kitchen conference. It is about food blogging, but it is not a food blog. I'm hoping it will become a place where all of us who have an interest in food blogs - both bloggers and those not yet blogging - can ask and discuss questions pertaining to food blogging.

Please do visit and join the conversation!

- San Francisco Food Blogger Meet Up
This year the BlogHer conference is being held in San Francisco and many food bloggers will be coming to town. I'm excited to attend and get a chance to meet other bloggers. But attending the conference isn't the only way to meet up with food...

- Blog Resources
I am blessed in that I always seem to have something to write about. Writing really does come easily to me most of the time. But I have to admit, I'm so excited at the prospect of going to the famed French Laundry tomorrow, that I'm actually a...

- It's Baaaack!
Blogdom's favorite International goody-swapping event returns, with another round of Blogging by Mail. When we last left our BBM friends, we were sharing our love of the holidays. Six months later (has it really been that long?), we're ready...

- Final Days Of Blogging By Mail!
Just a reminder: Friday is the last day to join this round of Blogging by Mail. Currently, there are 79 81 82 85 bloggers signed up, which proves to me I wasn't the only one missing this wonderful event! There's still time to get in on the fun,...

- Reminder
You have exactly one more week to sign up for Blogging by Mail! Over 70 signed up so far, from many, many, countries! If you'd like to join in, there's still time...just not much. You can find all the information here, or you can write to me...

