A Break

A Break

I am breaking with tradition here. I am staying at a resort and it is just too hard to get access to the internet, so I am blogging ahead of time. Just pretend it is Monday, ok? I will be back on schedule next week.

I was recently interviewed by a journalist from the San Jose Mercury News. So expect to find an interesting piece on blogging in the Merc on Monday. My apologies as I do not have the link for it yet but poke around and you should find it.

- Chocolatiers Come To Town
Ever since Lee's doctor told him to eat a little chocolate everyday, I've kept a stash of over 70% cocoa chocolate bars in a drawer in the kitchen. My everyday bar is Chocovic's Ocumare which uses Venezuelan criollo beans. That's probably...

- Blogging Here, Blogging There...
Blogging pretty much everywhere! Most of the time my blogging happens locally here and over at KQED but this month I've been blogging all over the place. First I blogged at the University of Nebraska Press about about Jane Grigson's Vegetable...

- Save The Internet
This blog generally stays out of politics but if everyone stays out of politics this time, all blogs might be at stake.... "allowing broadband carriers to control what people see and do online would fundamentally undermine the principles that have made...

- Blog Resources
I am blessed in that I always seem to have something to write about. Writing really does come easily to me most of the time. But I have to admit, I'm so excited at the prospect of going to the famed French Laundry tomorrow, that I'm actually a...

- Stupid Network
Our network connection isn't getting any better. If anything, it's getting worse, and we won't be able to get any support until Monday at the earliest. The Blog Party roundup and match-ups for Blogging By Mail will be delayed until at least...

