Hasta La Vista

Hasta La Vista

Here I go! It's vacation time again.

This trip takes me to Mexico. I'll be in the Yucatan for three glorious weeks, a place known for warm weather, beautiful beaches, archeological ruins, Maya culture, seafood and relaxation. It may also be known for blogging. I promise to keep on blogging from internet cafes as often as I can. But if I miss a few days I hope you'll forgive me. There will be plenty to tell when I get home.

Hasta la vista babies!

- Do Me A Favor?
You might have noticed I have not been posting very frequently here. In part it is because I am very busy with work. But I am also going through some very challenging times. And I could use your help. I don't have ads on my blog and I don't...

- Chemuyil:restaurants
It is possible to visit Mexico and not experience Mexico. It is easy to find comfortable lodgings, lush jungles, beautiful beaches, familiar food--all at the prices you would expect to pay at home. However, if you make the effort you can also find the...

- More Mexico
Oops! I jumped the gun, there was something about blogging in the Merc but it was not the piece I was expecting (see last post). I will keep you posted....for now back to Mexico... While Mexico has many ruins and precious artifacts of ancient civilizations,...

- Antojitos
We are deep in the heart of the jungle now. Or so it seems. We are staying at the Chicanna Ecovillage which is located just steps from the Chicanna Maya ruins in the Calakmul Biosphere Preserve. The meals here all seem to include platanos or a type...

- Mexican Food Lover
What is it about Mexico? What makes the food taste better there? This past weekend Lee's mom cooked dinner and made a delicious shrimp in garlic butter. She said it was what she cooked on her last trip to Mexico and it did indeed remind me of eating...

