Blog Party#33: Diner (and Road & Street) Food

Blog Party#33: Diner (and Road & Street) Food

It's that time again; time to mark your calendars and save the date. Because you're invited to the 33rd edition of Blog Party!

This time around, we're hitting the road. Or, rather, our taste buds are. We're taking our favorite roadside foods and down-sizing them. Those must-haves from your favorite pub, street vendor or local diner? Turn them into finger food!

Bloomin' onions? Soft pretzels? Meatloaf & mashed potatoes? Noodles, sushi, whatever you usually grab when you're on the road, or the comfort foods you turn to at an all-night spot; whatever makes you happy.

Just serve it up as an appetizer, pair it with a beverage of your choice, and RSVP by Thursday, 17 April. You can leave your URL in the comments section of any post, or send an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Party kicks off that Saturday night, 19 April.

Want to know more about Blog Party? Visit the rules & round-up page, located here.

Still have questions? Write to me at the above address...and I hope I see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Diners+ Blogging

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