BBM: 10 Items or Less: It's TIME!

BBM: 10 Items or Less: It's TIME!


All swap information has been sent out!!

Ok; it's finally here. As the day wears on, your Blogging by Mail swap information will be arriving in your (e)mail. Keep checking! They'll be going out in the order of sign-up, so if you joined late, you'll get your partner's name later in the day.

Below you'll find all the other relevent information regarding the swap. I usually include this in your email messages, but gosh darn it: that's a lot of stuff to copy & paste 117 times.

If, by tomorrow morning, you have not received your parnter's name & details,do the usual Spam/Junk folder checking. Still can't find it, write to me ASAP.

Just a note: Not everyone who said 'yes' to international shipping will be doing so. We had a vastly uneven number of US to Other sign ups. I did my best, but a certain number will be shipping within the US or Canada.


You've gotten the name, address, etc. of the person you're sending to; now what do you do?

1. Check their blog; you can usually get a feel for a person by their blogging style.

2. Gather up your 10 items (in case you hadn't already!); here's where you need to balance sending your favorite items with the likes/dislikes/it'll kill me needs of the recipient. Example: you've won ribbons for your coconut macaroons, so of course you plan to send them. Turns out, your partner is allergic to coconut. Uh-huh; just a little common sense needed.

Some are allergic to nuts, to shellfish (I think this is only pertinent to people shipping from fish-heavy countries; be sure to check ingredient lists!), and several are vegetarian. If you have questions about what is veg and vegan friendly, please don't hesitate to ask. Believe me, I know.

3. Get those boxes packed up, and in the mail!
When at all possible, and even more so for those shipping overseas, any kind of tracking/insurance information you can get added would be great. I'm a Virgo, so naturally I like to keep things in order, to keep track of, well...everything. But unfortunately, once your box is in the mail, I can't do a thing about it. So, having some assurance, some idea, of where your box is can be a big help to all.

UPDATE Erm...I should probably list the ship-by date, uh? With the delay, boxes MUST be in the mail no later than 26 October. That's over three weeks to get going!

This is essential. I keep a running tally, on the 'who's signed up' post, which seems to make everyone happier. It's so important you let me know; I've had boxes thought never shipped, only to have someone say 'oh, that? yeah, shipped it a month ago. Forgot to tell you'. I love you guys, but I don't need the additional stress, 'k?

Once you've gotten over the joy & excitement of opening your very own goodie box, take a picture or ten, write up a post then send me the URL. I will add it to the 'list'.

6. Enjoy!
After that, you're on your own. Hey, the hard work is done, you've gotten your reward. Have fun!

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