Back in the Kitchen

Back in the Kitchen

The SFist test kitchen fires were dormant during September, but now that we're back, I've resumed my biweekly column. Today's entry: Pan Sauces 101.

- Wineparty On Sfist
"It's Tuesday on SFist, and you know what that means, right? Yes you, in the back, waving your arms frantically?" "You're off a week. Your In the Kitchen column is every other week now." "Oh. Good point. Uh... No, wait! I did write for SFist...

- Fennel On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. It was only a matter of time before I covered fennel on SFist. It's one of my favorite vegetables, after all. As some of you may have noticed, I'm now doing my In The Kitchen column every other week. Time gets...

- It's The Cabbage Patch, Kids
Photo by Melissa Schneider. For my weekly "In the Kitchen" column at SFist, I graduated from Brussels sprouts to cabbage. I wanted to do a post on braising, but it's too warm here in the Bay Area. Maybe I'll wait until the summer when it's...

- Ruby Tuesday - Pomegranates On Sfist
Photo by melissa nicole. My weekly column at SFist combines mythology and Bay Area food bloggers to (hopefully) inspire would-be pomegranate shoppers. Technorati tags: food & drink | pomegranates |  sfist...

- Sfist Tuesday
A pop quiz for you, dear reader. This last Sunday saw blue skies and light breezes in the San Francisco Bay Area. So naturally I spent my day: Picnicking with Melissa and a bottle of rosé Working on my book proposal Rendering duck fat and...

