
Are you ready for some more food blogs? Sure you are! Here are my latest finds. They are not all brand new, just new to me. Check them out if you haven't discovered them already.

Elegant Sufficiency. Funny name (with a story behind it) but a really wonderful blog just the same. It's so much fun to discover a blogger who seems to share your same taste and approach to life. This blog has wonderful links from different countries and chefs as well.

Colleen Cuisine. Have you met Colleen? She's spunky and she's sassy. I'd say she has attitude. She also eats out a lot and writes about it. If I lived in LA I would really want her to be my friend.

Trini Gourmet. How about a Trinidadian food blog? This week smiling Sarina posts about what seems to be a hot ingredient of the moment, bitters. I like this site because it is truly unique and besides, we could use more Caribbean food bloggers.

SpiceLines. I don't know what to say other than I like this one. It's got recipes, photos and well, spice!


- Food Writers Are Blogging
While the phenomenon of food bloggers turning into professional food writers is nothing new, lately professional food writers seem to be turning into bloggers. Here are a few blogs written by professional food writers that I am really enjoying at the...

- Blog Day 2006
I have a hard time keeping up with all the food blogs I already read. But I discover lots more through the comments on my site and also from blogs that have linked to me. Here are some of the ones I have discovered recently. I hope you enjoy them too!...

It's hard enough keeping up with local blogs, so I am a bit slower when it comes to discovering blogs from far away places. But here are some posts from blogs I've discovered just recently. Lisa of Champaign Taste may live in Illinois but she...

For all those food bloggers who post entries everyday, I have no idea how you do it! I have had a few things come up like the subscription offer yesterday and the "Be Rachael Ray for a Day" event tomorrow that require that I post more frequently than...

- Bay Area Chef Blogs
Most of you probably read Shuna's eggbeater, Haddock's Knife's Edge, and Brett's in praise of sardines blogs, but two local chefs have recently started their own online journals. Check out Offal Good, written by Chris Cosentino of Incanto,...

