Bay Area Chef Blogs

Bay Area Chef Blogs

Most of you probably read Shuna's eggbeater, Haddock's Knife's Edge, and Brett's in praise of sardines blogs, but two local chefs have recently started their own online journals. Check out Offal Good, written by Chris Cosentino of Incanto, a new favorite of ours, and The Foodies Digest by Scott Youkilis, chef-owner of Maverick (we haven't tried it yet).

Scott wrote to tell me of his blog, but posed the interesting question: Why don't more chefs blog? I know chefs are busy running their businesses, but I think restaurants should have blogs for the same reasons wineries should have blogs. Customers who read your blog will feel an increased sense of loyalty to the restaurant, because they feel like they get to know you through your text. They feel a certain ownership, and you get to educate them about the realities of restaurant life. A restaurant blog builds your brand.

And we all know that foodies love blogs by industry insiders, so I'd think restaurant blogs would do very well.

Are there other Bay Area chef blogs out there? (And yes, I know Haddock's restaurant isn't in the Bay Area, but he participates in Bay Area food blogger events.)

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- Blog Day 2006
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- Bloggers Come Clean
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- Hot!
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