Zarah and Martin Visit!!!

Zarah and Martin Visit!!!

So, the 'special guests' I referred to in yesterday's post?

Matt and I were so very happy to play host to Zarah and her boyfriend Martin, as they make their way across the US.

They arrived Easter Sunday, and it was quickly apparent that Zarah, and Martin as well, is as sweet and fun and charming in real life as she comes across on her blog. We had a lovely visit with them...Alex practically declared them his new best friends, and we had a wonderful time, just chatting away.

Of course there was food, but for me, it was all about the company. Good conversation with good people.

But if you're curious, in addition to Easter dinner, we packed a picnic basket and headed out to a park/playground the next afternoon.

We had cold, fried chicken and pasta salad, as well as Ina's Outrageous Brownies.

After our picnic, the 'boys' got on there and had fun.

All the boys...that's Martin on the monkey bars!

Zarah and I got some sun while hanging out on the swings...

For dinner, which I had the good sense to prepare (as much as possible) a few days earlier (so I could spend more time with my guests!), we had Ina's Roasted Tomato Basil Soup, and fancy grilled cheese sandwiches; slices of Cantal on focaccia. Chocolate chip cookies as big as your hand, too!

I managed to feed them normal-sized versions of my Vanilla-Hazelnut French Toast with Nutella, I think they drove away well-fed.

At least, I hope so!

There were trips to a used book store (dangerous place for all of us...Zarah and I headed straight to the cooking section!), as well as a kitchen store. Funny thing, though...I was the one who walked out with a shopping bag!

Zarah and Martin, thank you so much for stopping by! It was such a joy to meet you, and yes...if we ever find ourselves in Denmark, we will get together again!

Blog Party#9 is this weekend! This month , we're turning our favorite desserts into bite-sized treats! Create sweet appetizers and drinks (non-alcoholic would be just fine), and get your entries to me no later than this Thursday, 20 April. You can leave a link here in the comments, or send an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com; and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Easter + Soup + Sandwiches + Baking + Dinner+ Cookies + Brownies + Chicken+ Pasta + Picnics + Playgrounds+ Parks + Kids + Food Bloggers

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