At Least Someone's Cooking

At Least Someone's Cooking

I still haven't gotten back into the kitchen. Now that Matt, Alex and I are more-or-less recovered, we've thrown ourselves into some home improvement projects we've neglected.

My Mom, step-dad, and 'baby' sister are coming for an overnight visit next month, so we knew we had to get to these projects soon.

Our schedule was fast-tracked a bit when the lovely (and traveling across the US) Zarah accepted our invitation to stay at our house for a couple days.

We were very excited, but then we looked around the house and realized we had our work cut out for us!

So, cooking has fallen on my list of priorities, at least for a few days. Friday night, we ordered pizza, and it kept us going all weekend!

Sunday, we had some major projects to tackle, the kind Alex really needs to be elsewhere for. Matt's parents borrowed him for the afternoon, and when they brought him back, my father-in-law also handed over a container of homemade pasta: beautiful little shapes of dough, with basil leaves embedded in each.

I knew this would be perfect for Matt. Cooked just a few minutes, and served in a light tomato broth, it made for a perfect, light, dinner.

I swear I'm going to make dinner tonight...I just don't know what (yet)!

Blog Party#9 has been announced, and for the month of April, we're turning our favorite desserts into bite-sized treats! Create sweet appetizers and drinks (non-alcoholic would be just fine), and get your entries to me no later than 20 April. You can leave a link here in the comments, or send an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com; and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Pasta + Basil + Tomato + Broth + Dinner

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