Working my way through

Not long before we left Oakland, I picked up Joyce Goldstein's Complete Mediterranean The Beautiful Cookbook (softcover) at the Richmond Costco, telling Matt he needed to have it. Gorgeous book,
enormous book. So big, we have to slide it into the bookshelf sideways.
It was just a few months between purchase and the big move to Tennessee, so the big, beautiful book was boxed up, driven cross-country, and stored in a small warehouse for a long time.
We finally liberated it, along with many others. And the big, beautiful book? Sat on a shelf. The top shelf. The one I can't reach...
Last week, I asked Matt to grab the big, beautiful book, so we could schedule some dishes.
We're starting small, and no more solid-week-from-the-same-cookbook (Nigel Slater cured me of that, thank you) jags.
Saturday night, Matt (what a sweetie) made Angry Potatoes and Fried Holoumi.
Angry Potatoes
Fried HoloumiThe potatoes were very spicy, with that cooked through but still firm texture I like.
The cheese was wonderful...holoumi is salty, but the light batter was tasty.
I have no idea what we're going to make next...we're playing it by ear.
Baked Doughnut Muffins
It is with a certain amount of shame that I must confess to you: this is only the first recipe from The Good Home Cookbook I've made! It's tragic, almost. After all, I was one of the happy housewife recipe-testers for the book (I think I eventually...
Matt's Fancy Dinner
Chateaubriand with Bernaise Sauce, Deep-Fried Souffled Potatoes and Herby Popovers Just because I'm not a carnivore doesn't mean Matt has to give it up. I've had this recipe kicking around for some time, and finally decided Matt had to have...
Wartime Wednesdays: From The Victory Kitchen
I'm known for being a bit of a retro-gal. My 1950's kitchen (with original stove, sink and metal cabinets), movies, clothes...and yes, cooking. I have a nice collection of older cookbooks, plus a hefty shelf of Gourmet magazines, going back to...
Not Ol' Chicken And Potatoes
And more still from Real Food. Slow-Fried Potatoes with Thyme and Taleggio, and Grilled (or Fried) Chicken with Chilli, Lemon and Mint. Cook chopped onions in butter and olive oil till soft and golden, then add sliced potatoes (cut to the thickness...
Joining The 'fun'
Anthony of Spiceblog was apparently cyber-strong-armed into posting about his cookbook shelf. Never one to shy away from a meme, here are my cookbook shelves: Top shelf Middle shelf Bottom shelf Full view 1. Rationale behind what we're seeing?...