WDB: Guest Hosting

WDB: Guest Hosting

Sweetnicks & Co. are off enjoying a little vacation time, so I'm happy to fill hosting duties for WDB while she's away.

Sophie pops in to say 'hello' and 'neener neener', before heading off for her own vacation.

And Ziggy finally had a chance to slow down, take a breath, and return to WDB.

As for my dogs, things are about the same.

Duke, while perhaps not thriving, is filling out some, and does appear to have moments of genuine happiness.

Dongeal continues to play snuggle pupppy, this time requiring both a pillow & my foot for her repast.

And Doolin? He's still nuts. Wicklow is just Wicklow.

Sweetnicks will be back next weekend; thanks for stopping by!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + WDB + Puppies + Dogs

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