WDB: Showing Up Early

We keep missing WDB; usually we get so busy over the weekend I just can't find time to post, period. But, I had a painfully early start today (followed by an even more painful one tomorrow), so I was determined to join in this week.
Above, you can see a pretty good picture of Duke. We were all outside. The other dogs were racing around the yard, wrestling and barking, but Duke likes to stay pretty close to me. I think he looks pretty good, and he's come so far. He will jump onto the bed and snuggle between Matt and me: I can't tell you what an improvement that is over his early behavior! He's very comfortable living here, that's for sure.

Here's Donegal and Doolin.
Sure, they look calm now, but in less than five seconds, Doolin will become what we affectionately call 'Psycho Puppy". He's cute, in mentally unstable way.
Donegal, meanwhile, will take a quick look around the yard, and trot back in. Not a big fan of the running around, is my Donny.
And because I can't get Blogger to cooperate, here's an older photo of Wicklow (from December) doing that very cute thing he does: smiling in his sleep.

Sweetnicks will have more puppy adorableness for you Sunday night...
Tagged with: Food & Drink + WDB + Puppies + Dogs
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