WCB23 - Be Well Clare

WCB23 - Be Well Clare

Clare - hope you're home now, eating good food, and feeling better every day! Best wishes to you, Casey and Kiri - Leo and Cathy

(See all the other get well wishes for Clare at Boo's. Boo is pinch-hitting as Weekend Cat Blogging host this weekend for Clare, who is recuperating from her injuries.)

- Hey Hey It's Donna Hay#3:
I never break a promise, so when I told Clare I'd join this round of HDH, I knew I'd better come through. It's been a busy month, and I almost let it this event slip past. Thankfully, I remembered over the weekend, so here's my version...

- But My Cat Likes To Hide In Boxes: Wcb24
One of my favorite childhood books, My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes, has stuck with me all my life. Lines like "The cat from Spain flew a big airplane" and "The cat from France liked to sing and dance", all followed by "but my cat likes to hide in boxes"....

- Wdb#9: The Round-up
Time for over-bearing cuteness...here's this weekend's dog pictures! Cookiecrumb starts us off with an adorable dog/herb photo of Bean Sprout; how cute! Lettie and Piggy strike a pose for Alicat; check out that grin! Lettie Piggy Check out...

- While The Host's Away, The Dogs Will Play: Wdb#9
Unless it's my house, then the dogs will sleep! Our faithful companions must be stressed out: it's been a heck of a week. First, poor Clare and Kiri, of WCB, had a rather traumatic encounter. Kitties are being shipped out to both boo_licious...

- Wcb#19---"look Mommy, I Brought You The Kitty!"

