But My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes: WCB24

But My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes: WCB24

One of my favorite childhood books, My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes, has stuck with me all my life.

Lines like "The cat from Spain flew a big airplane" and "The cat from France liked to sing and dance", all followed by "but my cat likes to hide in boxes".

Well, so does Macroom!

That's the box our kitchen curtain material came in. It was lying around one night, and suddenly...there was Marcoom, all curled up. He fits perfectly, and c'mon; it's cute. So, we keep it there. Why not? I doubt Martha's coming to inspect my house any time soon...

Late edition to WCB, but better late than...go see who else came to visit Clare and Kiri!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, WCB, Cats

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