Watermelon Radish

Watermelon Radish

I confess I bought these mostly for the photo op. I'm not especially fond of the peppery bite of radishes when eaten raw, but I've never tried them cooked, and don't mind them sliced very thinly in a salad. These were so pretty, I couldn't resist.

These radishes are an heirloom variety of the daikon radish. They're also known as Beauty Heart. I ate one of those little wedges you see above and found it reasonably peppery in the middle and downright hot on the outside. I haven't tried the smaller one yet, but supposedly the intensity of this type of radish lessens as it matures, so that little one may be especially fiery.

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- If It's Tuesday...
Admit it. You don't really know what to do with radishes. It's okay, I didn't either. But I got lots of new ideas as I wrote this week's post for SFist, all about radishes. Enjoy! ...

