If it's Tuesday...

If it's Tuesday...

Radishes and BreadAdmit it. You don't really know what to do with radishes. It's okay, I didn't either. But I got lots of new ideas as I wrote this week's post for SFist, all about radishes.


- Quickie Pickled Radishes: Recipe
I'm sure you've read that women crave sweets while men crave salty foods. But I'm not sure I agree. Given the choice between a potato chip and a candy bar, I would definitely choose the chip, er, better make that chips. Whichever side of...

- Radish Penne: Recipe
I'm not a Winter person. I love the Summer. But when Winter comes around I look forward to coaxing root vegetables into something special. Like radishes. Radishes may be available all year round, but their cool, spicy, crunchiness makes them seem...

- Watermelon Radish
I confess I bought these mostly for the photo op. I'm not especially fond of the peppery bite of radishes when eaten raw, but I've never tried them cooked, and don't mind them sliced very thinly in a salad. These were so pretty, I couldn't...

- Wineparty On Sfist
"It's Tuesday on SFist, and you know what that means, right? Yes you, in the back, waving your arms frantically?" "You're off a week. Your In the Kitchen column is every other week now." "Oh. Good point. Uh... No, wait! I did write for SFist...

- Sfist: An Ace Of Pears
Photo by melissa nicole. Hey, look at that! This Tuesday thing feels like it happens every week. Check out my pear post on SFist. Technorati tags: food & drink | pears | sfist...

