Quickie Pickled Radishes: Recipe

Quickie Pickled Radishes: Recipe

I'm sure you've read that women crave sweets while men crave salty foods. But I'm not sure I agree. Given the choice between a potato chip and a candy bar, I would definitely choose the chip, er, better make that chips.

Whichever side of the debate you fall on, or whatever your craving of the day, it's good to have a few quick fixes. If you crave sweets, cinnamon toast is a good one. And if you crave salt, might I suggest homemade pickles? This is a recipe for those times when even a trip to the corner store is a bother. These are quick, sometimes called "refrigerator pickles" because they get stashed in the fridge. No canning, no fuss, no muss.

I almost feel guilty for calling this a recipe. Because even if you absolutely don't cook anything, this is one for you. You don't even need a stove! Are you ready? It's only four ingredients, salt, sugar, rice wine vinegar and radishes. You could get all fancy and add carrots and onions if you like but it's not necessary. While pickled radishes are fine as a snack, they are also great in a sandwich or an a platter of antipasti.

Note: You can change this recipe by adding sliced lemon, ginger, hot chili, anything you like.

Quickie Pickled Radishes
a snack for two


1/2 cup radishes, thinly sliced (or thickly if you prefer)
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
2 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar


Place the radishes in a small bowl and toss with salt. In a separate container, mix together the sugar and vinegar and stir to dissolve the sugar (I use the 1/2 cup measuring cup). After 5 minutes place pat the radishes dry with a paper towel and add the sugar and vinegar. You can drain these or not. Chill and eat. Or if you are like me, eat them immediately.



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