[DANSK] Hot Dogs and Agurkesalat

[DANSK] Hot Dogs and Agurkesalat

Hot dog, Danish style: ketchup, sweet mustard, roasted and raw onions, pickled cucumbers - and sausage and bread of course! As it would be served at any of the pølsevogne here - or as you could make it yourself at home. Most of the ingredients are plain bought, but we do make our own agurkesalat.


2 large cucumbers, sliced ever so thinly, maybe with amandoline, should you be lucky enough to own one of these...
0,4 liter apple vinegar
100 g sugar
10 black peppercorns, whole
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon salt

Bring vinegar, sugar, peppercorn, bay leaf and salt to the boil. Leave simmering until the sugar has dissolved. Place the sliced cucumber directly in a 3/4 liter pickling jar. Pour the boiling vinegar mixture over the cucumbers. Leave to cool for half an hour, then eat. Any leftovers can be kept in the jar in the fridge (observe normal pickling rules: no dirty forks go in the jar, rim of jar kept clean etc. etc.)

Agurkesalat is also great with fishcakes and roast chicken. It is a bit on the sweet side, but if you try and make it (it's not really that hard as you can tell!) you can probably come up with even more suggestions as to what to serve it with. There's always a jar in our fridge, and while they're nothing like the fat little sweet pickled gherkins I'd use for my bean salad, neither nothing like the French cornichons, agurkesalat has it's very own place in our culinary mind.

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.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Back when I told you about Pariserbøf, I briefly mentioned pickles, our rather,...

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