Wartime Wednesday: Chicken Club Sandwich

Wartime Wednesday: Chicken Club Sandwich

Defying the laws of gravity, this Chicken Club Sandwich is simple & fattening.

Three slices of toast are buttered and removed of crusts. The bottom layer is spread with mayo, then topped with lettuce and cooked chicken (in our case, roasted), which is then spread with mayo.

Yeah, the chicken is mayo'ed.

Another piece of toast with mayo, on which bacon & tomatoes are placed.

And the tomatoes? Oh, yeah...more mayo. I wish I were kidding. Those '30's dieticians loved their fat.

Finally, the last piece of (thankfully) mayo-free toast is added, and viola!; a sandwich is born.

Perfect for late summer, with the abundance of tomatoes, although somewhat messy in consumption.

Blog Party#26 is coming, and this month, we're focusing on What's Inside! All your favorite appetizers with something to hide, and drinks, too...if you can manage!
Entries are due 20 September; hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Wartime Wednesday + Sandwiches + Chicken + Bacon + Tomatoes + Cookbooks + Retro

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