Things That Go "Crash" in the Night

Things That Go "Crash" in the Night

About a week ago, just as we were getting ready for bed (Ok, Matt was getting ready, I was completely absorbed in a book), we both heard a 'thud'. Or a 'bang'. Or...well, we heard a noise.

I was certain the noise came from the front of the house, behind me. Perhaps it was one of the apartment dwellers, heaving something into the dumpster (downside to my house: location. Apartment building across, dumpster view from my front door. can't have everything, I suppose).

Matt took a quick look outside, from the porch, but saw nothing.

He went to bed.

Within half an hour, there was a knock at the door.

I got kind of freaked out, because it was well after midnight.

I yelled to Matt (I was holding Donegal back, and not dressed to answer the door to a complete stranger at that hour); it takes him a while to regain consciousness.

I then heard "It's the police, ma'am" (who you calling 'ma'am', anyway??).

Matt finally woke up enough to throw on some clothes, I then had to remind him to turn off the security system.

Finally, he opened the door, and to avoid run-away puppies, stepped out on the porch to talk to them.

When he came back, he said "Well, now we know what that noise was".

Turns out, a car was parked on the side street. Another car came along and hit it, which somehow set it in motion.

(click on picture to see tire marks)

The car drove itself into our yard.

Where it hit a tree.

Breaking a light or two.

Fortunately, the car suffered little damage outside the bumper areas (the initial hit caused most of it), and our tree seems to be ok.

Plenty of excitement for one day!

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