Everyone Deserves A Day Off Now & Then

Everyone Deserves A Day Off Now & Then

A day of silence? Could it be?


See, I had a pretty busy day Monday.

Alex started school!

He was really excited to finally start school...can you tell?

He was happy on the drive there.

I had to remind him I was still there...

He had a wonderful first day. His teacher if just lovely (she's from Pennsylvania!), he has four new friends (just five in the class), and when we picked him up, he said he definitely wanted to go back.

I know some mom's have a difficult time sending their 'babies' off to school.

Not me.

I'm practically doing a happy dance.

Now, you know I love Alex. I adore him.

But I've spent practically every day of his life with him. We both need a break.

Monday was just a half day, so we dropped him off around 8:30 (Matt took the day off). We then had to find a way to kill three and a half hours.

We did a round of shopping (we were the only customers at Earth Fare, which was kind of unsettling), and thought we'd stop for lunch at the only good sushi place in town.

Problem was, it was still so early, nothing opened for another half hour.

We thought we'd pop into a little Indian grocer and pick up a couple things; turns out, they're closed Mondays.

As we were pulling out of the parking lot, Matt noticed the second SugarBaker's location. Twenty minutes and fifty bucks later, it was time for lunch. And then we drove back and picked Alex up from school.

I guess what I'm saying is, I didn't have a melt-down because he 'started a new chapter', or anything like that. I had a nice morning out with my husband, and from now on, three days a week?

I will have the whole frakkin' day to myself.

We went back in for a parent-teacher meeting this evening, and on our way there, I saw something that...well, I was so startled, I had Matt turn around so I could get a picture.

See for yourself.

Blog Party#13 is coming, and this month, we're turning off the heat and preparing cool appetizers and drinks!

Post your dishes no later than This Thursday, 17 August...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 19th, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Family + School

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