They Don't Call Me An 'Evil Temptress' For Nothing

They Don't Call Me An 'Evil Temptress' For Nothing

Nothing like a big block of fancy chocolate to grab your attention!

Just yesterday, I discovered a recipe that actually caused me to gasp. Alex was concerned, and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing's wrong, honey; I think I may have found the most perfect recipe ever, that's all!"

Hazelnut Chocolate Chunk Cookies

And since Matt came home from work with an empty cookie tray, it was like a sign...I had to make these.

Lots of toasted hazelnuts, and chunks of chocolate, in a sweet cookie batter.

And...there are ground hazelnuts in those dry ingredients.

(If you're the sort who likes to eat the batter right out of the bowl, I recommend making a double-batch!)

I also learned a new trick for de-skinning hazelnuts: boiling them, with baking powder, for a few minutes, then rinsing them in cold water while watching the skins just slip off. Amazing. A bit messy, but much nicer than trying to rub them (dry) with a towel.

I have no idea how they taste...Matt was already in bed when the cookies came out of the oven, so I'll have to wait until lunchtime for him to give a review.

I have to tell you, though...the smell alone made me almost want to eat one, and if you've learned anything about me over the past year or so, you realize how serious that is!

And yes, I did use the Callebaut in these cookies.

UPDATE: Matt's gotten around to eating them, and here's what he says:

Good. Very good. Very, very good. Slightly chewy cookie, very rich,
hazelnutty without too many big bits of hazelnut to interfere with the
texture of the cookie.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Chocolate + Cookies + Hazelnuts + Baking + Recipes

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