Playing with Food

Playing with Food

Despite the chaos that is my life right now, and ignoring the heat, I got the urge to make peanut butter cookies for Matt.

I grew up with a certain kind of peanut butter cookie; very sweet and peanut-ty. My Mom's cookie.

Matt, I discovered less than a year into the relationship, was not the fan I was. He preferred a...saltier?...version. Well, definitely less sweet than I care for.

I'd found a recipe from Jif, which he liked. But in the most recent issue of Martha Stewart Living, the cookie of the month recipe was...ta-da!...a peanut butter cookie; yes, you guessed correctly.

Now, while we were still living in Oakland, we'd do some of our grocery shopping at a little, upscale, place called The Village Market. Very good stuff, all around, including their chocolate selections. I was still using my Mom's recipe, which topped the cookies with chocolate stars. We searched and searched for chocolate stars, but couldn't find them. What we did find were some very nice, high-quality, chocolate disks. Made for some pretty good cookies.

So, knowing I'm was going to, eventually, make peanut butter cookies for Matt, I went looking for appropriate chocolate toppers. I was certain we'd used Toblerone; so when we stopped into CostPlus World Market last weekend, I had Matt grab a tube.

I made the cookies early in the week, and when it was time to top them with chocolate, Matt opened up the Toblerone. I didn't know what I was looking at.

Instead of chocolate disks, I was given nougat-filled chocolate pyramids!

Ugh. I'd mis-remembered. What I'd used back in Oakland, Matt later informed me, was Droste. Big difference!

The Toblerone really wasn't what I wanted, but Matt was fine with it. However, it didn't cover nearly enough cookies.
I topped some with milk chocolate chips, because I didn't want naked cookies!

Matt requested some be left plain, though, so we ended up with a trio of peanut butter cookies.

It may not have been what I'd planned to make, but Matt's quite happy with them. And after all, that's why I made them!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Cookies + Peanut Butter + Baking + Chocolate

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