Our Lord of Fantastic Cookies

Our Lord of Fantastic Cookies

What's in a cookie? A cookie by any other name would be just as - good!

In this little household, there's is only one, only this one - THE Chocolate Chip Cookie. The recipe is from Bill Granger - hey!, you say - I thought chocolate chip cookies was the epitome of American baking and Bill Granger is GASP! Australian! Well, I'm sorry -but this man makes the best chocolate chip cookie I know, and the only chocolate chip cookie to pass the lips of my man. Maybe that's a lie - but it is the one he likes the best!

I do think we are somewhat weird in the cookie-preference region though. I like my cookies soft, almost melting and on the brink of not baked in the middle. Yes, I do eat the cookie dough too - how could I not!?

Bad habit, bad habit - but I wouldn't want to waste the batter left in the bowl and okay, I'll sacrifice myself and my stomach. You have to build a resistance to those darn salmonella bacterias, don't ya?

Here it is:

Chocolate Chip Cookies - From Bill Granger's Sydney Food, p. 111 (OMG, that's so embarrasing - my book actually falls open on that page!)

125 g. (4 oz.) unsalted butter, softened
1 1/4 cups tightly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 ½ cups plain flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
1½ cups of chocolate bits

Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F) Place the butter and sugar in a bowl, and beat until light and creamy. Add the vanilla and egg and beat again. Stir in the flour, baking powder and salt until just combined - this will seem like way too much flour, but just keep folding and folding, it will incorporate! Fold through chocolate chips.
Place spoonfuls of cookie mixture on a lined baking tray, allowing room for spreading. Cook for 15-20 minutes, until they turn pale gold.
Allow to cool on the tray for 5 minutes before placing the cookies on a wire rack to cool further. Makes 16. I often freeze half (or make a double portion and freeze what I don't need right here and now) It's so nice to have laying around - for the week that it lasts!

I know the recipe might not seem special - I think what makes them speciel to me is that they only have brown sugar and no regular sugar in them - wouldn't regular sugar make them more crisp usually? Actually, I haven't tried that many chocolate chip cookie recipes, simply because I found these and promptly declared them my favorite, then never strayed! Maybe I should come out of my cocoon? Do you have a great recipe I have to try?

BTW, it has to meet one other criteria: almost nothing to wash up afterwards!

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