That's some shelf life

That's some shelf life

For Alex's birthday, we picked up all sorts of Sesame Street/Cookie Monster-related accoutrement's. One was a rectangular, iced, cookie with the outline of Cookie Monster on it. It came with edible markers, so kids could decorate their own cookie.

Now, the organic-loving/healthy-eating/anti-processed foods me couldn't help but wrinkle her nose and say "Ew...that's gross".

But, the Mom side over-ruled; Alex would have fun, and hey...he might not even eat it! He's rather particular when it comes to it comes to his baked goods.

So, we bought it, and even placed it out with the other stuff during his birthday party.

But in all the commotion, we kind of forgot to give it to him. I mean, he had lots of other food, and there was cake!

Alex came across it recently, and asked if he could finally have it.

Hmmm...we bought it mid-February, who knows how long it was sitting in the store, and it's now two months later.

Oh, what the heck.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Cookies + Sesame Street + Cookie Monster + Kids

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