Tablas Creek Talks Closures

Tablas Creek Talks Closures

If you've ever heard me talk about screw caps, you know I'm a fan. But Jason Haas, general manager of Tablas Creek, makes a more nuanced argument about closures at the winery's blog. Screw caps are great, he says, but so are corks. It depends on the wine.

- Around The Web
A number of you have asked about the survey I ran a while back. I’ll post the results soon. In the meantime, if you want a break from Thanksgiving prep, here are a few good links for your enjoyment. The eloquent Mark Morford, columnist for the...

- Wtn: 2005 Heidi Schröck Muscat, Neusiedlersee-hugelland, Austria
If I ever say that I plan to stop drinking wine, test my resolve with a bottle of Heidi Schröck Muscat (despite the name, a blend of white grapes including some muscat varieties). This is a wine for those who have an unabashed love for the beverage. Terry...

- Alliance For Innovative Wine Packaging
The Alliance for Innovative Wine Packaging sent me a press release about a show they're doing at Copia on October 27. We'll be in Tampa by then, far away from Napa's food and wine center, but I'd love to hear a report from anyone who goes. I'm...

- Glenrose
While researching my Paso Robles piece, I fell in love with Don Rose's Glenrose vineyard. The site isn't any prettier than other Paso vineyards, but after I visited it I understood why a waiter at Villa Creek told me bluntly, "Don Rose? He's...

- Screw Caps
Kim Crawford's 2002 "Unoaked Marlborough Chardonnay" is a good wine, if not the standout that Sauvignon Blancs from the same region are. But it is not the wine that I want to write about, it is the bottle. More specifically, the closure. For Kim...

